About This Series
A Year of Divine Favour

We fervently wish for a happy new year, but what we really need is not good fortune but divine favour. God is not obliged to bless us, yet he has promised to confer his goodness on those whose hearts are right with him. Learn how you can be such a person so that this will truly be your best year ever.

Part 1 of A Year of Divine Favour
BY Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio

We live in a world that encourages us to assert ourselves and outdo others. Along the way, we also hope to get some lucky breaks to propel us ahead. However, the Bible presents a radically different, and better, approach, which is to let God promote you. Get this right, and you will have a great year ahead of you. Let’s find out more in today’s message.


1. What are some ways you tend to compare yourself with others, feeling envious and/or superior? Share one new way in which you will render humble service to your fellow church members this year. 



2. What would it mean to you to humble yourself before God? What must change in your thinking and in your conduct? 



3. What is at the root of your greatest worries? How are your concerns stopping you from seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness?  

Part 2 of A Year of Divine Favour
BY Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio

God promises to honour those who honour him. However, it is easy to be superficially religious without really honouring God. In fact, that was what Jesus said about the people who were respected for being the most religious during his time. To avoid the same mistake, we will explore in today’s message what it means to honour God in every aspect of our lives.


1. How have you failed to regard God with appropriate reverence and awe in your heart? How might you have made him too small in your eyes? 



2. What are some of your actions which directly or indirectly convey to others a lack of honour for God? What will you do about them? 



3. As you look back, what tensions did you experience between loving God and loving those close to you? How will you resolve them in this new year? 

Part 3 of A Year of Divine Favour
BY Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio

We live in a world where a constant barrage of images and ideas clamour for our attention, blissfully unaware that what we receive into our beings invariably shapes the course of our lives. That’s why in today’s message, we will look at how to be intentional about what we feed our minds on, in order that we might experience the fullness of God’s blessings.


1. How much of your inputs have been worldly rather than godly? What will you do specifically to increase your input of God’s word in 2025?  



2. When you reflect on the last year, to what extent were you spiritually constant and fruitful, like the tree planted by streams of water? 



3. In what ways have you envied non-Christians or followed the same pursuits as them? What are some godly resolutions you want to set for this year?