Pastor In Charge
“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” – John Muir
Working in the fast-paced and hectic environment, Brighton Adults is the sanctuary where people stay connected, forming meaningful relationships with one another. Amidst the hustle and bustle of work life, we take time to cultivate quality relationships which help us live life purposefully. We laugh together when are happy, and cry together when we are sad. A community of meaningful interdependent connections that celebrates life!

Pastor In Charge
Children bring much joy and challenges to one’s life, and the dynamics of a marriage constantly change over the years as the children grow up.
In Brighton Community Church, we understand the challenges people face when they turn into new parents with the arrival of children, and the pressures they face as their children grow up and mature into adults. Therefore, we seek to provide a conducive environment and support structure for married and single parents in their parenting journey. We desire to see strong family units being built—families that are anchored in the Word of God, with deep and loving bonds forged between parent and child.

Young Adults
Pastor In Charge
We are a fun and exciting bunch of people who are currently serving National Service or studying in universities.
As a community of young adults who loves the Word of God and desires to be a positive impact in society, we provide an environment that nurtures and brings out the best in everyone. The Young Adults Zone prepares young people for adult life through godly wisdom to make wise decisions with regards to career, managing resources and looking for a life partner.

Pastor In Charge
In Brighton Youth, we believe that a person’s experience in his or her youth days sets the foundation for the rest of their lives. And there’s no better experience that will set the foundation of a person’s life than to grow in knowing the love of God and to live in response to the love and grace of God revealed to us through Jesus Christ. Our desire as a youth ministry is to seek the Lord and save the lost!

Pastor In Charge
教会早期在每星期六以家庭派对方式向黄埔社区传福音,成功带领好几户家庭进入教会。感谢主,当中文部第一位全职牧师-刘惠敏牧师在2009年加入圣光后, 中文堂开始了常青团契,更多年长的弟兄姐妹融入在中文堂,并带领他们的家人朋友来教会 。我们也在2011年按立了带职服事的汪进春传道带领圣光常青的弟兄姐妹。
The church sees a need for a ministry that can effectively reach out to those in our society who uses Chinese as their main language of communication and hence has set up the Chinese Ministry for this reason.
In the Chinese Ministry, we understand that the Chinese speaking demographic has different needs and preferences unique from the English congregation. Therefore, instead of directly adopting their model, we put in great effort to ensure that our Chinese service, activities and fellowship groups are all catered to the Chinese speaking demographic. We are confident that we are able to fully meet the needs and preferences of all our Chinese Ministry members and visitors.
In the Chinese Ministry, we also desire to rise up believers who will be Christ’s ambassadors to the people of their generation, and disciples who are deeply rooted in the Word of God, and who worship God passionately. In addition, one of our main aims is to partner with our English Ministry members in reaching out to their Chinese speaking parents and relatives.