About This Series
How They Missed It

Many people live with deep regrets about missing out on great opportunities that might have changed the course of their lives for the better. That's why in this year's Christmas series, we will learn from the people who missed out on the greatest event of all time, so that we can avoid making the same costly mistakes.

Lost Hope In God
Part 1 of How They Missed It
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio

We all long for God to make things better in our life, but what if nothing changes year after year, and in fact, things only seem to go from bad to worse? In this message, we will learn how the story of Christmas assures us that God is good and faithful; we can continue trusting him even when all hope seems lost.


1. What are some bad things that, if they happen, might likely turn you away from God? What can you do to “setback-proof” your faith


2. When you consider your desires, decisions and lifestyle, what would you say you are really living for? What must you do so that you will not become the seed that falls among the thorns
(Matthew 13:22)?


3. Share honestly about the state of your relationship with God. Are you enjoying and growing in intimacy with him? How are you going to cultivate a deeper spirituality? 

Too Busy with Life
Part 2 of How They Missed It
BY Odette Tan
Sermon Audio

Life is full of opportunities, expectations, and dreams pulling us in every direction. The world constantly pushes us to move faster and do more. But what if all the busyness is causing us to miss the one thing that could truly change our lives? In today’s message, we’ll explore how our busyness might be keeping us from what really matters most.


1. As we approach Christmas, what are some things that have been occupying your mind and time? How can you prioritise Christ over the urgent obligations in life? 



2. In 2024, how have you allowed the opportunities presented to you crowd out Jesus? What changes will you make to make room for Jesus in your life? 



3. What is one area of your life that you have not fully given to God that is hindering you from experiencing the fullness of His grace?  

Fear of Losing Control
Part 3 of How They Missed It
BY Rev Dr William Wan
Sermon Audio

This sermon continues the series on How We Miss the meaning and significance of Christmas. Today we will reflect on how like King Herod we are liable to miss Christmas because we are not prepared to let go of our control and let God take over our lives.



1. “Christmas is about Christ but so much of Christmas is Christless”.  Discuss how this statement is true in the way Christmas is celebrated in our society today. 




2. Is there anyone or thing you find it hard to let go?  Why do you think it is hard to let go?  What do you fear most about letting go? 




3. If God is fully in control of your life, what might your purpose and mission in life be?  How would you steward your resources and spend your life?