No Need for God
About This Series
You may reject God because you believe you are fine just as you are. But could your confidence be due to lack of knowledge about what you are missing out on? Or ignorance about your true condition? You owe it to yourself to find out more before you decide.
April 5, 2020
Take Life Easy
Part 1 of No Need for God
- 1. What makes people assume that the good life they have will be the same or even better tomorrow? How about you? In what ways have you made the same assumption?
- 2. Do you feel that your life is under control, and how do you try to secure even greater control? How disoriented and devastated would you be if the precious things in your life (e.g. possessions, love ones, work, freedom, health etc) were taken away from you suddenly?
- 3. Why do we tend to ignore the bigger questions of life when things are going well? Have you been lulled by affluence into complacency like the rich fool? What are the bigger questions you ought to be asking?
April 19, 2020
Life That is Truly Life
Part 2 of No Need for God
BY {{unknown}}
- 1. After hearing the sermon, can you identify some things that you desire greatly, which are really driven by deeper real needs in you What are some factors which might contribute to your mistake of focusing on superficial felt needs rather than real needs?
- 2. What makes us powerless to meet our deepest real needs? In what ways have you been hurt or disillusioned in your quest to satisfy your real needs through meeting your felt needs?
- 3. How did Christ overcome the obstacle that prevents us from fulfilling our real needs? How would a person who has drunk living water be transformed? Evaluate your own pursuits and priorities in the light of this truth.
April 26, 2020
Anchor for the Soul
Part 3 of No Need for God
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
- 1. How conscious or ready are you for troubles to come into your life? Have you been caught by surprise and overwhelmed when bad things happened to you? What does the Bible tell us to expect?
- 2. What are some ways you try to secure protection against the storms in your life? Why are they ultimately inadequate?
- 3. What has God done to give us confidence even in the storm? What must we do when we are being tossed by the storm, according to the writer to the Hebrews?