About This Series
People love to say that God’s love is unconditional. And yet the Bible is full of promises of God granting favour when we do meet certain conditions. That’s why in this series, we will look at what we can do to experience the fullness of God’s goodness in this new year.
January 10, 2021
Part 2 of Unlocked
BY Pastor Alywin Oh
Sermon Audio

1. Think about your prayers. What changes do you need to make in the way you pray such that God and his will for your life is the focus?


2. Have you experienced answered prayers after a prolonged period of praying? Share your story! What are you praying for currently? Share and keep each other accountable so that you can press on to Pray Until Something Happens.


3. What is God’s posture towards us when we pray? How does this change your perspective and encourages you to pray more?

January 17, 2021
Part 3 of Unlocked
BY Pastor Tan Li Kai
Sermon Audio
  • 1. What are some fears you have in giving better offerings to God? What is one area you would like to grow in faith by giving a better offering to God?
  • 2. If you were to analyse how your habits take up your time and money, whom and/or what is primarily being pleased? What is one area you would like to grow in faith by giving pleasure to God?
  • 3. Doubt and unbelief can neuter any relationship. What are some of your most deep-seated doubts about God and who He is? How can the CG pray and journey with you to persevere on in pleasing faith, coming to a divine revelation of who He is and taking receipt of His rewards?
January 24, 2021
Part 4 of Unlocked
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio
  • 1. What are some things that hold you back from giving more generously to God and others? How can you practically put to test the principle that “whoever sows generously will also reap generously?”
  • 2. Why is God pleased by generosity? How pleased do you think he feels by your current level of giving?
  • 3. Do you want to have more money and possessions? What drives your desire? What should drive your desire?