Under One Roof
About This Series
Our families can bring us joy as well as sorrow. Do you believe that you can play a part in building a happy family? Discover from God’s Word timeless principles which would enable us to build a great family, as well grace to help us recover from the mess that families often fall into.
February 2, 2020
Part 1 of Under One Roof
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
- 1. Share about your experience with your own father and how it has affected you for better or worse.
- 2. [For fathers]: Evaluate your own parenting journey in the light of what the sermon has taught about the fatherhood of God. How would you like to do better as a father?
- 3. What does it mean to you personally when you call God as your Father? Are there aspects of his fatherhood that has been tainted by your earthly experience of fathers that you need to correct?
February 16, 2020
Part 2 of Under One Roof
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
- 1. How well do you think your mother managed the tension between love and limits in raising you? If you are a mother, how well do you think are doing with regards to your children?
- 2. Why is it important for husband and wife to agree with each other when it comes to parenting? If you are a parent, what might be some challenges you face in presenting a united front to the kids ?
- 3. Why do you think God require that we put him even before our children? What might be some ways in which parents turn their children into false gods? If you are a parent, what does it mean for you to love your children without falling into idolatry?
February 23, 2020
Part 3 of Under One Roof
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
- 1. What are you currently doing to intentionally honour your parents? What more can you do to honour your parents with your time, money and the way you relate to them?
- 2. What might be some indicators in your life that you are still dependent on your parents financially, emotionally or functionally, in such a way that they are still controlling you? What would be a wise course of action for you to take?
- 3. What did your parents fail to do right, and how did it affect you practically and emotionally? What steps have you taken, or need to take, to release them from their errors ?