About This Series
Can We Be Friends?

Most of us find ourselves too busy to in invest in deep and meaningful friendships. Even if we desire it, we struggle to find and keep friends. Did you know that the Bible has much to say about the importance and formation of friendships? Learn how you can better experience and enjoy one of God's best gifts in life.

What For?
Part 1 of Can We Be Friends?
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio

Compared to our other relationships, friendship is viewed as secondary and optional. That is why not many of us intentionally and actively invest in friendships. However, the Bible teaches us that true friendships are far more crucial and enriching than we think. In today’s message, we will learn why we ought to make friendship a priority in our lives. 


1. Do you have close friendships that you deeply trust and cherish? How intentional have you been about finding, making and keeping friends?


2. What are some ways in which your friends have helped you to grow and become a better person?


3. If you have a crisis today and your family is not around for you, who are the friends who will stand by you and go all out to help you?

It Depends
Part 2 of Can We Be Friends?
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio

Since our friendships have such great potential to shape our lives for better or worse, we should be selective about the friends we make. We cannot just be good friends with everyone. That’s why this message looks at how friends are naturally discovered, as well as how we ought to exercise wisdom in decide whom to choose as our friends. 


1. Do you have close friendships that you deeply trust and cherish? How intentional have you been about finding, making and keeping friends? 


2. What are some ways in which your friends have helped you to grow and become a better person?  


3. If you have a crisis today and your family is not around for you, who are the friends who will stand by you and go all out to help you? 

How Close?
Part 3 of Can We Be Friends?
BY Senior Pastor Wang Tiak Kweng
Sermon Audio

We learnt last week that friends are discovered rather than made. However, once you have found a potential friend, it takes intentional and sustained effort to build long and fruitful friendships. In the final message today, we look at what we must do to make friends that stick closer than a brother. 


1. How much do you realise and admit your need for deep relational communion? What are some barriers you must get around so that you can form more authentic friendships?


2. How would you want your friends to be loyal to you? How have you been loyal or disloyal to people who are supposed to be your friends? 


 3. Do you have friends whom you are committed to build up, even at great cost to yourself, or even if means wounding them in love? How can we begin to build such friendships in the CG?