About This Sermon
Overcoming Temptation

All of us still live in a fallen world where temptations can assail us from every corner. But God has given us all we need to live a victorious Christian life. The Apostle James uncovers how temptations works in our lives and how we can live an overcoming life in Christ. Come and allow the Word of God to strengthen us in our fight against Satan’s temptation!

Overcoming Temptation
BY Pastor Benny Ho
Sermon Audio


1. Share about a time when you gave in to temptation, and experienced its negative outcome. What did you learn from it? 


2. How about a time when you successfully fled from or resisted a temptation that could have led to serious consequences? What enabled you to do it?


3. What are some temptations you personally need to flee from? What practical steps would you take to practise such ‘fleeing’?