About This Series
To Free Or Not To Free: That is the Question

Freedom is priceless and a major determinant of our happiness, yet we know that if people all do as they please, they will invariably end up hurting themselves and others, and society would become unliveable. In this series, we examine how the Bible’s teaching on freedom not only maximises our enjoyment of it, but also makes the world a better place.

Good For Me?
Part 1 of To Free Or Not To Free: That is the Question
BY Pastor Tammie Chng
Sermon Audio

We desire the freedom to choose because it represents autonomy, control over our lives, and allows us to be true to ourselves. While this freedom is gratifying, it requires wisdom and discernment to navigate the complexities and potential pitfalls it brings. In this message, we will explore timeless truths and practical insights from the Bible on how to exercise our freedom in a way that is good for us. 


1. Do you feel being a Christian restricts your freedom and limits your enjoyment? What are some things you wish you could indulge in?


2. How have you exercised your freedom in ways that are harmful to yourself?


3. What are some things you have been set free from after knowing Christ? How does it motivate you to continue pursuing the new identity you have in him? 

Good For Others?
Part 2 of To Free Or Not To Free: That is the Question
BY Pastor Tammie Chng
Sermon Audio

We all desire the freedom to make our own choices. But, if we exercise our rights without restraint and do anything we want, the exercise of our freedom will inevitably conflict with the exercise of someone else’s freedom. How can we make decisions that are not only good for us but good for others too? Find out through this message!



1. What kind of disputed activities (that Christians disagree over) do you engage in? Why do you think it is alright to participate in them? 



2. What have you been emboldened by others to do and later felt guilty about? Why does Paul write so extensively about this issue (1 Cor 8:1-11:1) in response to a simple theological question? 



3. Share a time you had to give up a personal right or preference for the sake of someone’s conscience, spiritual growth or salvation. What did you learn from that experience, and how can you apply that lesson in your relationships today? 

Good For The Cause?
Part 3 of To Free Or Not To Free: That is the Question
BY Pastor Tammie Chng
Sermon Audio

In the final part of this series, we will examine how Christian freedom is not just for personal gain, but for serving a greater purpose. How can we use our freedom to advance God’s kingdom? How can we align our freedom with God’s greater mission? Why would doing so bring us a deeper sense of fulfilment? Find out through this message! 


1. Share an experience where you gave up your freedom for a cause you believe in. What made you willing to make that sacrifice? 



2. Are there areas in your life in which you are reluctant to pay the higher cost for something greater? What holds you back? 



 3. What future rewards motivate you to persevere in the race marked out for you? In what ways can you stay disciplined and focused on the prize?