All of us feel a great need to figure out how to make the right decisions about our lives and our future. How can we be sure that we make good choices and avoid dangerous pitfalls? This series explains how God graciously provides the guidance we need, and what we can practically do to discern his plans for our lives.

No Wrong
It is becoming increasingly fashionable to conclude that God is unnecessary and irrelevant for a meaningful and satisfying life. The problem is that if we do away with the notion of God, we would also have to abandon the things that we value and cherish most in life. This series deals with the question of why Christianity provides better answers than atheism or agnosticism.

Extending Forgiveness
Our families are a source of comfort and joy, yet they also cause us great pain and frustration. Why do the people we ought to love most often become those we fight with most? Don't despair; this series explains how the Bible offers wisdom to help you navigate the often stormy waters of family life to build meaningful and lasting relationships.

We often think that happiness in life is all about getting more things but there is more! We cannot experience happiness until we get certain things out of our lives. Find out how you can lead a healthier and happier life!

Credible Evidence
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a historic event that radically changes the way we see the world and our existence. When properly understood, it provides light for the lost, hope for the future, and strength for today.

Created or Evolved?
Modern culture points the individual to look within for a sense of identity, worth and purpose in life. This series examines the workability of such an outlook, and explains why while God places great worth on each individual, life cannot just be all about me.

Utter Hopelessness
Studies show that while most pastors want the church to reach unbelievers, most church members are more concerned about how the church can meet their own needs. In this series, we will explain why Christianity is truly good news that we simply must not keep to ourselves.

The Purpose of Sex
Most of us get our sex education outside the church and may wonder why the church has so many prohibitions against something that we ought to just let people enjoy freely and privately as they wish. However, God’s rules on sex are really to protect it rather than to prohibit it, because he is truly interested in safe sex.

Understanding Idolatry
Few of us think that we have a problem with idolatry, even though we all have idols in our hearts that we love and depend on, without realising they enslave and will eventually destroy us. This series explains the danger of idolatry and how we can be set free.

Light of the World
No other religious figure in history has made the same claims as Jesus. He did not say that he knew the truth, but that he was the truth. Not only did Jesus reveal to us a bigger reality, he showed us that only he can satisfy our deepest longings.

We live in a pressure-cooker world. There are so many expectations we cannot fully meet and problems that we do not know how to solve. In this series, we will learn how we can find relief in the areas in our lives that most of us feel stressed about.

It’s February! The month we love because love is in the air. As we celebrate love, let us also reflect more deeply on the ultimate source and true nature of love, because the more we grasp the love of God, the richer our love will be for each other.