About This Series

There are many tough questions about Christianity. While you don’t need to have all the answers to become a Christian, addressing these questions can help us see the relevance of the Christian faith in our lives. Join us as we explore and tackle some of the toughest and most frequently asked questions in Christianity!

How can there be just one true religion?
Part 1 of FAQ
BY Pastor Koh Wee Kiat
Sermon Audio

In a world filled with diverse beliefs and practices, insisting that there is only one true path can seem arrogant and intolerant. How can anyone claim to know the truth amid so many differing answers? In this message, we will explore how every worldview implicitly makes absolute truth claims and how Christianity offers a compelling perspective on the search for truth.


1. Have you ever felt hesitant to share your faith because you were worried about being seen as intolerant or narrow-minded? What experiences have contributed to this fear?


2. What are some examples of relativistic values promoted in our culture today? How does understanding the logical flaws in relativism help you feel more confident about sharing your faith? 


3. How has Christianity managed to create a highly inclusive movement despite its exclusive claims? What are some ways you can engage with your friends who may be opposed to Christianity? 

How can a good God send people to hell?
Part 2 of FAQ
BY Pastor Koh Wee Kiat
Sermon Audio

The idea of a loving God is foundational to many people’s understanding of the Christian faith. Yet, the notion of hell raises an unsettling question: How could a good God allow anyone to suffer eternal punishment? In this message, we will wrestle with the uncomfortable tension between divine love and the reality of hell, and explore how it can be resolved without compromising the truth of either.



1. Have you ever struggled with the idea of hell? How does understanding hell as the absence of God's presence, rather than a place of torture, change your perspective? 


2. Jesus went through hell on the cross so that we would not have to. How does the cross of Christ reveal both God’s justice and love? How might this understanding shape your conversations with non-Christians about hell? 


3. Jesus taught more about hell than heaven because he desires none to perish but everyone to come to repentance. In light of this, have you been urgently inviting people to church and sharing the gospel with them? What practical steps can you take to be more intentional in doing so? 

Hasn’t Christianity perpetrated injustice?
Part 3 of FAQ
BY Pastor Koh Wee Kiat
Sermon Audio

Throughout history, Christianity has been associated with acts of injustice, leaving many to wonder if the faith itself is responsible for these injustices. How can a religion that claims to follow a God of love be connected to such oppression and violence? In this message, we will confront these troubling contradictions and examine whether Christianity’s message can still stand amidst its darkest moments. 


1. When you hear about Christians who have done wrong things, like being greedy or mistreating others, how do you handle that? How do you explain that to people who don’t follow Jesus? 


2. How does knowing that Jesus suffered injustice on the cross for your sake help you handle situations where you experience unfairness or mistreatment in life? 


3.What are some practical ways we Christians can stand up for justice today—whether at work, in our community, or even online? How can we reflect God’s justice in small, everyday actions?